Thursday 29 September 2011

Characters, props/costumes, themes and settings.

The characters we would like to include are the young girl aged between 12-14years old and many extras dressed as zombies. We will use mise-en-scene for the film, especially with the zombies. We also have another character at the end shaking the girl to wake her up, they will be a zombie.

Mise-en-scene will be created by using realistic make -up on zombies, and having real darkness when the storyboards say there is darkness. When certain weather is proposed we will plan for a rainy day, if this is not possible we will create the weather. We will use a house and minimise props saw in the shots. The setting will be simple and effective, we will do this by minimising any distractions, such as un-necssary extras. We will include stero-types such as vulnerable young girl in the woods like red riding hood. We will use soundtracks to create a mood, the mood will be sombre throughout. Music will be similar to that of I AM LEGEND, starring Will Smith, we think this film have a very unsettling feel to it so we feel it would work in our short film. When the girl enter her dream state there will be 'dreamy' music to validate she is dreaming.

The themes will include typical terror of young girls who receive emails like this on a regular basis, this will be effective because many can relate to the worry that chain mails can incur.

Settings will be in a empty house when the power cuts, this is  a typical style of a thriller film, we will also set the woods setting in a red riding hood style.

Overall we are looking to create a short film in the style of inception and in the mood of I am legend.

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