Thursday 29 September 2011


We understand that some pieces of the story board are missing. We intend on adding the extra shots mentioned in the explanations below when either re-creating the storyboard, or when filming.

1. We begin the film with a an Establishing Shot in the form of a Long Shot. There's a possibility that we will gradually get closer to the shot till we are inside the house with a series of Cut Shots 

2. We then cut to a young girls room, aged between 12-16. We will then have a Mid-Shot of the girl on the computer, which will then cut to a Over the Shoulder-Shot with the camera peering at her screen.

3. This will be a Close up-Shot of the girls computer. We may add an Eye line Match shot in order to establish what and who the girl is looking at.

4. We will then cut to a Long-Shot involving the main character and the computer. The power will then go, then we will have a Shot/Reverse Shot of the computer breaking and the main character.

5. The main character will then, after a moment of panic, go to sleep. We will have a Long-Shot of her entering the bed, then, another shot, only this time a Close-up Shot of her face, falling asleep.
6. We then cut to the character entering a dream. We will use certain effects such as colour changing, distorted shots/scenes and music. The initial shot will be a Close-up Shot of the characters face.
7. We will the cut to an Over-shoulder Shot of the computer screen, which will hopefully create the illusion of us going back in time before the computer cuts out.
7. We then will cut to a Close-Up Shot of the computer breaking. Only this time the main character won't fall asleep. 
8. The main character, like before, will panic. We will cut to an Eye line match Shot, between her and the computer screen. 
9. We will then cut to a Long Shot, followed by a Medium Close Up Shot and then a Close Up Shot of the phone ringing. 
10. We will then cut to a Long-Shot of the character with the phone in their hand. Then to a Close-Up Shot of the phone in the characters hand.
11. We will then cut to an Eye-Line Match of the characters eyes, to a Close-Up Shot of the phone screen.
12. Whilst we have a Long-Shot of the character, there will be a sudden bang on the bedroom window. We intend on filming a Shot-Reverse Shot between the character and the window. 
13. We will then cut to a Long Shot of the character freaking out once again. Only this time we shall use a Pan Shot of the character rushing towards the bedroom door. We intend on filming a series of shots of the character making their way down the stairs.
14. We intend on recording a Match on Action Shot of the character leaving the house.
15. We will then record a Birds Eye Shot of a number of trees and Zombies. We intend on recording some of the Zombies via a Long-Shot and a series of Close-Up Shots.
16. We will then have a Tracking Shot of the character fleeing from the Zombies through the trees.
17. We will have a Long Shot of the characters, mainly focusing on the main character.
18. We will then have a Long Shot of the character in reality screaming. We may cut to a Close-Up Shot of the characters face.
19. Then enters another character. We may use a Panning Shot of the character entering the room. We will have a Shot/Reverse Shot of the character looking at the main character.
20. We will then use a series of shots switching back and forth between the reality and the dream. One shot will be of the Character failing to flee from the trees, and another of the character screaming.
21. There will be a Close-Up Shot near the end of the film of the character screaming. 

22. The film will then end on a Close Up Shot of the character dead. 

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