Monday 10 October 2011

Kelli's Analysis - Source Code Opening

The first shot is of a man waking up as he leans his head against
 a window, as he dodges his eyes around we get the sense of his own confusion that is then passed on to the audience.

He then suddenly moves to a sitting position as we hear the sound
of a horn from a train, this lets us know a little more about where we are and adding a slight urgency to the confusion.

The knowledge that we are on a travelling train is then reinforced 
briefly by the Over-the-shoulder shot looking out of the window. 

We then have an Over-the-shoulder shot of a woman sitting in the 
opposite seat with a sound bridge leading from the previous shot, both of which reinforce the continuity. She talks about him giving her advice, letting the audience know that they have entered into
events already in progress.

As we cut back to looking at the man we see the confusion on his
face, making it clear that we are not the only ones who are
unsure of what is happening. As the woman asks him if he's okay
we begin to become reassured that everything is not as it's should

We then have several shot clips of a women spilling some of her
drink over his shoe, they way this interrupts what the woman is
saying makes it seem far more significant, as if it may foreshadow
future events in some way.

As our attention is brought back to the woman she talks about
plans they previously had, and an ex that keeps calling her,
her willingness to share this with him shows that they most
likesly have quite a close relationship, however he continues to search his surroundings, showing that he's looking for some sign of where he is.

As the tickect collector comes round and asks for the ticket the woman reaches into his pocket to retrieve it as he appears clueless as to its whereabout, this again shows their closeness, and then allows for the sequence to continue so that we learn that the train was stopped for a brief time, and gives a brief introduction to characters that may possibly take on slightly larger role later on.

Returning our attention back to what is clearly our leading character - made obvious by the amount of screen tame reserved for him - he begins to explain to the woman that he is not the person she thinks he is, this both explains the situation to the audience and creates further questions for them. The woman gives a tentative laugh at the explanation showing that she believe it to be some odd joke, it is now that we learn that his real name is Colter Stevens, whilst the name of the man he appears to be to others is Shaun.

Saying that he feels sick he excuses himself just as the train is about to pull up at a station, as he walks along he continues to glance around looking, showing that the audience he is still unsure of what's happening. As this is happening a red haired boy walks past him to return a wallet to it's owner and then proceeds to retrieve his bike and leave the train, aswe see more of these clips they begin to seem more and more important, with the help of the suspenseful music, making it seems as if they will become more imprtant later on. As he steps off the train we find out from the red haired boy that the train is heading to Chicago.

As he returns to his seat, the woman jokingly refers to him
as 'Captain' as he introduced himself earlier, clearly showing
the audience that she thought it was a joke.

As the train continues he sees glimpses of his reflection in the
window, however it doesn't appear to be him, asking the
woman if she saws this, she tells him that he is beginning
to freak her out, telling us that no ones else appears to see
a difference.

Acting far more urgently he gets up and goes into the bathroom
and as he looks in the mirror we see a different person, showing
that this is what the others on the train have been seeing all along.

As he exits the bathroom the woman is there asking if he's okay, as they talk we get a shot of a train heading in the opposite direction of that of the one they are aboard. This implies to the audience that something urgent may be impending. The woman attempts to calm him down, the audience then becomes more aware that something bad is about to happen, when the woman says the opposite as the irony creates the perfect opportunity, which we then witness as the train explodes and derails.

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