Thursday 13 October 2011

What we have done so far>...

So far we have storyboarded and discussed what we would do to improve in our official coursework, we will do a intial storyboard which will be simple sketches, but of a higher quality than our drawings in the provisional piece, we may practice shots we want to use, we will also do a final storyboard this will be high quality, high-lighting every section of the film, making it clear to the examiner; we will do this by drawing detailed drawing and taking some pictures of harder to draw sections, we will then explain what is happening in each section and what shot we will use. We will also practice many shots , to make sure they will be practical in our coursework film.

We will also look at more films to get more ideas abut audience and scene settings. For our coursework film we will focus more on mise on scene as in our provisional task we did not, we also had issues with continunity, this is something we will work on.

When we filmed we didn't have many issues we only had one actress so there were not issues with cast, but we would have ideally wanted to add another scene, but we felt this was impractical, the reason for this is that this would require a lot of screen characters and a lot of time. Instead we cut down the time and just did one scene, unfortunately we did have time to add the final part of the scene, but we believe the film still works. If I was to film again with my group we would time keep better, and concentrate on mise on scene.

We chose to start with a comical opening to set the thriller feel, we feel this is effective , and think our audience would appreciate this light hearted beginning. We also didn't concentrate very much on our script, as the actor I found it easier to freelance, we may not focus on the script in our main coursework film.

We think our film suits the thriller theme and follows are storyboard to an extend, in our final film we will make a storyboard more detailed to make it easier to follow, I believe that having a better storyboard will make a better film.

Overall we worked well as a team and would work well together in the final coursework, we kept to deadlines and enjoyed planning and creating the film together. :)

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